Occupational Standards

Harmonized minimum occupational standards for plumbing

The following occupational standards were developed by tripartite technical committees in Ghana Nigeria and Togo with the support of the ILO during the period 2021–2022 as part of the SKILL-UP Project financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation in an effort to promote skills partnerships on migration in the West African region.

The harmonized occupational minimal standards for plumbing have been developed based on the national occupational standards of the three countries, with a target of achieving 70 to 80 per cent commonality with existing national standards. The harmonized occupational minimal standard can help countries that are developing standards or reviewing existing national standards through comparison and consideration of similar standards available in the region. It can also be used in technical vocational education and training for the development of standards-based curricula, and assessments. The standards can also support skills partnerships on migration in the region by being used in mechanisms of recognition of prior learning of migrant workers.