Trade Union Discussion on Social Protection #5: The roles of trade unions in governance of social protection system

Fifth session of the Webinar series "Trade Unions Discussions on Social Protection"

This ILO Jakarta Trade Unions Discussions on Social Protection explores workers’ participation in designing, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating employment social protection system in Indonesia.

Speakers will discuss how workers and trade unions communicate, coordinate, and negotiate within their respective organizations and among them to engaged effectively in an evidence-based policy discussion on social protection design that promote workers protection and welfare, and to actively involved in the implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the system.


  • Elly Rosita Silaban, President, KSBSI


  • Untung Riyadi, KSPSI-CAITU
  • Subiyanto, KSPSI-AITUC (TBC)
  • Ristadi, KSPN
  • Djoko Heriyono, SPN
  • Soeharjono, KSARBUMUSI



  • Indonesian
