ILO supports the launch of Indonesia’s first Trade Unions’ Network in the Fishing Sector

The 8.7 Accelerator Lab programme together with the Bureau of Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) supported the launch of a Trade Unions’ Network in the fishing sector aiming to foster a common voice between trade unions and to reinforce bilateral and tripartite social dialogue in the fishing sector.

Press release | Bandung, Indonesia | 23 June 2022
The launch of Indonesia’s first Trade Unions’ Network in the Fishing Sector.
BANDUNG, Indonesia (ILO News) - All six national trade union confederations namely KSPSI, KSPI, KSBSI, K-SARBUMUSI, KSPN, and SBMI expressed their commitment to promote decent work and achieve the elimination of forced labour and child labour in the fishing sector. Alix Nasri, Global Programme Coordinator of the 8.7 Accelerator Lab said that workers’ organizations play a central role in preventing forced labour and assisting victims. Many victims of forced labour are not unionized and difficult to reach. “The 8.7 Accelerator Lab programme works hand in hand with trade unions in addressing, in a coordinated manner, the root causes of forced labour and child labour, especially in sectors that are particularly at risk, such as fishing”, she added.

The 8.7 Accelerator Lab programme works hand in hand with trade unions in addressing, in a coordinated manner, the root causes of forced labour and child labour, especially in sectors that are particularly at risk, such as fishing."

Alix Nasri, Global Programme Coordinator of the 8.7 Accelerator Lab
Starting in 2021, the ILO has supported a series of consultative meetings with Indonesian trade unions’ confederations to build joint coalitions among trade unions, as well as with other civil society organizations, with the aim of achieving SDG Target 8.7 in sectors at risk.

Elly Rosita Silaban, President of KSBSI, one of the initiators of the Network, stated that the acceleration of results towards SDG Goal 8 Target 8.7 can only be achieved with mutual collaboration and close engagement between the government, social partners and the private sector. She added that, over the years, trade unions’ confederations in Indonesia have played a significant role in advocating for improved rights for vulnerable workers, by adapting their governance structure and activities to reach out to informal workers, including national and migrant fishers. “The Network is a great initiative which will help us speak with one, and a stronger voice, on labour issues affecting fishers”. KSBSI has engaged in creating migrant worker resource centres, policy advocacy and building alliances with civil society organizations.

The Network is a great initiative which will help us speak with one, and a stronger voice, on labour issues affecting fishers."

Elly Rosita Silaban, President of KSBSI
Achdiyanto Ilyas Pangestu, a leader of K-SARBUMUSI’s fish worker union, said this Network plans to support the government of Indonesia to improve the legal and policy framework and its enforcement in the fishing sector. Meanwhile, Prihanani, KSPI’s Deputy President on International Cooperation conveyed her concerns regarding labour rights violations affecting Indonesian migrant fishers. “We demand the devising of a comprehensive legal framework with harmonized legislation to better protect these workers and the establishment of a national taskforce of seafarers and fishers to oversee its implementation and ensure its effectiveness. The Network will support national efforts to ratify ILO’s Work in Fishing Convention No. 188. It will also advocate for the conclusion of robust bilateral labour agreements between Indonesia and the flag States of distant water fleets employing Indonesian migrant workers”.

The Network will support national efforts to ratify ILO’s Work in Fishing Convention No. 188. It will also advocate for the conclusion of robust bilateral labour agreements between Indonesia and the flag States of distant water fleets employing Indonesian migrant workers."

Prihanani, KSPI’s Deputy President on International Cooperation
The Network’s activities will focus on:
  1. Convene monthly coordination and capacity building meetings on challenges identified by the Network and develop tools and solutions to address them.
  2. Establish a guidance mechanism between trade union confederations and their sectoral affiliates in fishing to support the organizing of fishers, grievance handling, etc.
  3. Identify potential trade unions initiatives to support, including on the exchange of knowledge between Indonesian trade unions and trade unions in major Flag States of vessels employing Indonesian fishers.
  4. Conduct targeted meetings with relevant government stakeholders and employer’s organizations to present the Network’s position on law and policy reforms and identify joint activities.
  5. Identify awareness raising activities and public campaign tools in order to raise awareness of different target groups on fishers’ rights and responsibilities throughout their employment journey.
  6. Engage with relevant government stakeholders both at the national and provincial levels to ensure adequate labour inspections of fishing vessels in major fishing ports in an effort to improve the detection of labour rights abuses.
Members of the Trade Unions Network in the Fishing Sector include:
  • Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia – ASEAN Trade Union Council) / All Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPSI ATUC)
  • Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (KSPSI)
  • Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia / Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI)
  • Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Seluruh Indonesia / Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Union (KSBSI)
  • Konfederasi Sarikat Buruh Muslimin Indonesia / Indonesian Moslem Trade Union Confederation (K-SARBUMUSI)
  • Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Nasional / National Trade Union Confederation (KSPN)

For more information please contact:

Muhamad Nour
ILO’s National Coordinator for Indonesia