
The TACKLE project was launched in Jamaica with the signing of the Partnership Protocol Agreement between the Jamaican Government, the International Labour Organization and the European Commission (EC) in March 2009. The Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MOLSS) supports the project by hosting it on their premises, chairing the Project Advisory Board (PAB) and facilitating the work of key partners through the Child Labour Unit (CLU) and the Office of the Permanent Secretary. The PAB has approximately twenty members from all key sectors that intersect with child labour, including: the Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Education, the Office of the Children’s Advocate (responsible for the administration of the Child Care and Protection Act), the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the University of the West Indies. A major milestone was the establishment of sub-committees of the PAB, with the aim of providing the opportunity for greater involvement of board members in the project activities. The MOLSS, EU Delegation representative and the TACKLE Jamaica staff participate in the sub-committee meetings.

Output 1: Improved country level child labour and education legal framework

The project is strengthening the national legislative framework through the following activities:

  • An “Assessment of implementation and enforcement machinery to combat child labour in Jamaica: Summary Report” was completed in February 2010 in close collaboration with the MOLSS. The review provided recommendations for improved coordination mechanisms between regulatory bodies.
  • A Jamaica: Child labour legislative gap analysis provides a review of national statutes and case law, including the new Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act to assess compliance with and enforcement of ILO Conventions No. 182 and No.138.
  • A study on “Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Behaviour of Members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force about Child Labour and the Enforcement of Laws” was undertaken in collaboration with the Jamaica Constabulary Force. The purpose of the study is to determine the factors leading to low enforcement of national laws related to child labour by the rank and file in the national police force.

Output 2: Strengthened institutional capacity to formulate and implement child labour strategies

  • The “Baseline Survey for Pilot Child Labour Intervention Programme in Schools in Jamaica” : The survey was undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Education in 30 schools. The research aims at determining the nature and scope of child labour being undertaken by children under the age of 16 enrolled in the formal education system.
  • Capacity-building programme with the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions: Activities include the establishment of a Child Labour Committee, the development of a draft Child Labour Policy and a five-day Capacity Building and Sensitization Workshop for delegates (April, 2011). Additionally five mini-programmes were developed and implemented with the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions, the University and Allied Workers’ Unions, Jamaica Household Workers’ Association, Jamaica Association of Local Government Officers, and Bustamante Industrial Trade Union to sensitize 150 union stewards and delegates island wide.
  • “Child Labour Handbook for Professionals”: The purpose of the handbook is to provide guidelines for caregivers when dealing with children who are involved in child labour or at risk of exposure.

Output 3: Targeted actions to combat child labour

Two action programmes began in 2010 and are currently in the implementation phase:

Output 4: Enhanced knowledge base and networks on child labour and education

  • TACKLE supported the commemoration of the 2011 World Day against Child Labour (WDACL) in Jamaica. In collaboration with the MOLSS and the members of the PAB, a WDACL press event was held at which ten 30-second public service announcements voiced by local celebrities were launched. The announcements were aired on all national radio stations during government allotted time over the course of three weeks.


  1. Good practices

    Good practices in tackling child labour through education - Selected examples from the IPEC TACKLE Project

    10 October 2013

    The objective of the TACKLE project was to contribute to the withdrawal of children engaged in child labour and to prevent further entry of children into employment by offering them alternative education and training opportunities and thereby contributing towards poverty reduction.

  2. Publication

    Jamaica: Child Labour Handbook for Professionals

    30 April 2013

    The purpose of the handbook is to provide guidelines for professionals who may/will encounter instances of child labour in the course of their work. Against the background of law, international convention and research findings, the handbook is intended to assist with prioritizing and taking effective action to address child labour situations, always conducting such activities in the best interest of the children.

  3. News

    Handbook on Child labour launched in Jamaica

    15 February 2013

    Professionals, who deal with cases of child labour are now better equipped to address the issue with the launch of the Child Labour Handbook for Professionals.

  4. Document

    Jamaica: Poems and pictures from students at Children First Remedial Centres

    15 March 2012

  5. Publication

    Jamaica: Child labour legislative gap analysis

    15 March 2012

  6. Poster

    Let's prevent child labour in Jamaica pamphlet

    01 April 2011

  7. Publication

    Assessment of implementation and enforcement machinery to combat child labour in Jamaica: Summary Report

    01 February 2010

    The incidence of child labour in Jamaica, as legally defined, is relatively low for developing countries. However, at least 11.6% of 15-17 year-olds are involved in economic activity, usually of a hazardous, low-wage character. This results from a disjuncture between the maximum age limit at which basic education is provided - Grade 9, or about age 16 - and the age of adulthood.