Safety + Health for All Strategy

The ILO flagship programme Safety + Health for All centres around four strategic components to improve workers’ safety and health at work.

Building knowledge

Safety + Health for All strives to build the evidence base upon which effective legislation, policies and interventions are designed, implemented, monitored and evaluated. Better data strengthen occupational safety and health systems at national level and within enterprises and facilitates effective allocation of scarce public resources. Research findings also serve to guide the development of training programmes and other capacity building activities, as well as to design awareness campaigns on safety and health at work.

Programme publications can be found here.

Strengthening national capacities

A wide variety of organizations makes up the national occupational safety and health system. These organizations either deliver services directly to employers and workers and/or provide support for the development of sound prevention practices and culture. Safety + Health for All activities build the capacity of these organizations to fulfill their functions, and in so doing, strengthen the overall performance of the national occupational safety and health system.

Creating conducive national legal and policy frameworks

The programme contributes to building sound national legal and policy frameworks as the critical starting point for ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. To this end, it supports stakeholders in the legislative and policy processes and facilitates their progress.

Promoting demand for safe and healthy workplaces

Safety + Health for All provides accessible and practical information to raise employers, workers and other stakeholders’ awareness and understanding of safety and health hazards and risks in workplaces and their prevention.  For effective dissemination information must be presented in a way that catches their attention and encourages their engagement and knowledge sharing.