Fair Recruitment

The ILO launches a new phase of the Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment

With the support of the Swiss Development Cooperation and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the third and final phase of the FAIR programme runs from August 2022 to July 2025.

News | 13 September 2022
The Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment (FAIR) is a global programme of the ILO established since 2015 and dedicated to implementing the ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative (FRI) Strategy, focused on promoting of fair recruitment practices globally, in selected countries of origin and destination, and across specific migration corridors.

With the support of the Swiss Development Cooperation and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the third and final phase of the FAIR programme runs from August 2022 to July 205. This third phase builds on and consolidates past results by strengthening stakeholder ownership and replicating or scaling up promising practices in countries with a vested interest in improving recruitment practices. Its interventions target migration corridors from Cote d’Ivoire to Tunisia, Tunisia to the Arab States, Ghana to the Arab States, and Lesotho to South Africa.

The FAIR programme works with national stakeholders in both countries of origin and destination, supporting national institutions, social partners, businesses, and civil society organizations in implementing, monitoring, and regulating the recruitment of migrant workers. This is done:
  • by ensuring migrant workers have access to reliable information, migratory services, and justice;
  • by promoting national policies and regulatory frameworks that are aligned with the ILO General Principles and Operational Guidance on Fair Recruitment (and Definition of Recruitment Fees and Costs);
  • by providing recruitment stakeholders, including employers, labour inspectors, and recruitment agencies, with training, tools and guidance to effectively adopt and implement fair recruitment practices;
  • by mobilising support from and promoting due diligence amongst business and employers’ organizations and global brands to provide an enabling business environment for change to take effect;
  • by engaging media professionals and training institutes to improve reporting on labour migration and recruitment issue and raise public awareness.
The FAIR programme also invests in piloting and scaling innovation, such as in facilitating access to services and information through chat-bot technologies and drawing on behavioural insights to influence decision-makers in favour of fair recruitment.

At the global level, the FAIR programme develops quality research, evidence-based policy advice and knowledge on fair recruitment practices, disseminated with international partners and through the media. The new global Knowledge Hub of the ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative further facilitates and amplifies the generation and experts and practitioners and is critical to enabling countries to continue their work on recruitment beyond the duration of the FAIR programme.