Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group (SRM TWG)

Overall review of the implementation of the standards initiative

At its 334th Session (October–November 2018), the Governing Body requested the Office to present at its 335th Session (March 2019), following consultations with the tripartite constituents, a report on progress towards completing the Standards Initiative workplan as revised by the Governing Body in March 2017.

With regard to the component of the Standards Initiative that concerns the SRM TWG, the Governing Body noted the information provided on the lessons learned and future directions; requested the SRM TWG to take its guidance into account in continuing its work and to provide a report for the Governing Body’s second review of the functioning of the SRM TWG in March 2020; and, to guarantee the impact of that work, reiterated its call to the Organization and its tripartite constituents to take appropriate measures to follow up on all its previous recommendations.
  • Office document prepared for the Governing Body review of the Standards Initiative (GB.335/INS/5, paras 6-21)
  • Discussion and decision of the Governing Body concerning its review of the Standards Initiative (GB.335/INS/PV, paras 213-220; 304 (a)-(b))