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Cooperatives Act, 2048 (1992).

Main Region

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Law, Act

Second Region

Sets up the formation of society or union. Specifies the requirements for membership. Provides for the adoption of cooperative bye-laws. Sets forth the functions, duties and powers of the general assembly, the board of directors. Appoints Accounts Committees in charge of the audit of cooperatives. Entitles the Registrar to registrate -inter alia- societies. Other provisions cover financial resources and mobilization. Specifies that a society or union shall not be allowed to provide donation or any other type of economic assistance to any political party or any other institution or association that works for a particular religion or sect. Makes provision for the amalgation, division, dissolution and cancellation of cooperatives. Lists the different immunities and facilities of societies and unions as for example tax exemptions. Repeals the Sajha Societies Act of 1984 so that a society or union registered under the Sajha Societies Act 1984 shall be deemed to have been registered under this Act.

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Monograph region

    Monograph title
    The Co-operative Act, 1992
    National Co-operative Board
    Page range
    Pulchok, Lalitpur