Childcare in Moldova: A systemic approach to improve provision

The project aims to improve the public and private provision of childcare by pilot-testing innovative and affordable alternative childcare services that can be replicable and scalable in the country.

The project will contribute to implementing the National Employment Strategy 2022-2026, notably its objective to increase the employment to population ratio of women in the 25 to 34 age group by increasing childcare services coverage in Moldova.

A Market System Analysis (MSA) will be carried out, to understand the demand and supply of public and private childcare services and underlying constraints for care provision. Based on the findings and recommendations of the MSA, to be validated with partners in the sector, pilot interventions with private and public actors to strengthen the childcare sector will be identified. The project will explore public and private funding modalities to ensure affordable services for low-income families, including subsidies and grants to service providers and vouchers for families, as well as tax exemption models with the private sector.