Events and meetings


  1. SCORE Experience Sharing Meeting in Nanxun, Zhejiang 27 October 2015

    27 October 2015

    The first pilot round of SCORE Training has been completed, including Module 1 “Workplace Cooperation” and Module 5 “Safety and Health at Work”. This meeting provided an important opportunity to share the good practices of enterprises and lessons learned by consultants and safety inspectors as a result of SCORE Training.

  2. ILO-MOHRSS tripartite seminar on the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81)

    13 - 14 October 2015

    Labour inspectors from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) and OSH inspectors from the State Administration for Work Safety (SAWS) and other stakeholders participate in the Seminar on the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No 81) to have a better understanding of the Convention and learn about comparative experiences from other countries.

  3. Structural transformation and key emerging employment and social challenges for China

    25 September 2015

    A policy workshop to deliberate on the Future of Work and its relationship to China’s economic developments and policy choices .

  4. ILO/MOHRSS Seminar on Internship

    21 - 22 September 2015

    As part of its technical cooperation with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China (MOHRSS), the ILO co-organizes an expert seminar on the working conditions and labour protection of interns. The seminar features national and international experts from MOHRSS, the ILO and the US Department of Labour.

  5. ILO/CEC Workshop on Promotion of Gender Equality at Work

    16 - 17 September 2015

    The workshop aims at strengthening the capacity of China Enterprise Confederation (CEC) and its members to enhance knowledge and understanding of the importance of gender equality in enterprise development.

  6. Participatory Gender Audit Roll Out in Mongolia

    14 September - 31 December 2015

    The National Commission on Gender Equality of Mongolia (NCGE) commences its gender audit programme. The gender auditors of NCGE will be trained on the ILO Participatory Gender Audit (PGA) methodology and will subsequently carry out participatory gender audits at seletected work units of NCGE, MOL, MONEF and CMTU. The audits are to be completed in December 2015.

  7. Mongolian labour law study tour to Japan

    13 - 20 September 2015

    To contribute to Mongolia’s national efforts to modernize its labour market governance, the study tour to Japan will help inform the review of the revised Labour Law with comparative labour market governance in an advanced economy.

  8. The National High-Level Workshop on Extension of Old-age Pension to Herders and self-employed

    22 May 2015

  9. The national technical workshop on the possible ratification of Social Security (minimum standards) Convention, 1952 (No.102)

    21 May 2015

    The preliminary findings of the assessment of the social security laws of Mongolia conducted by ILO will be shared at the workshop with government, social partners and other stakeholders.

  10. The Launch of the UN/Government report on Social protection assessment based national dialogue: Definition and cost of a social protection floor in Mongolia

    15 May 2015

    The report concludes that a social protection floor in Mongolia is recommendable and affordable. It sets the main directions and provides concrete recommendations to fill up the social protection gaps in Mongolia.