Tripartite Workshop on OSH data collection and use, and safety management in SMEs to Commemorate the World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is observed on 28 April annually to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases across the globe.

The ILO’s campaign theme for the 2017 World Day for Safety and Health at Work is to optimize the collections and use of OSH data. The theme this year focuses on the critical need of countries to improve their capacity to collect and utilize reliable OSH data.

With adoption of the United National 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the capacity to collect and utilize reliable OSH data has become indispensable for countries to fulfil their commitment to implement and report on some of the agenda’s 17 sustainable development goals and their targets. SDG 8, for example, provides for the promotion of “inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” and its Target 8.8 focuses on the “protection of labour rights and promotion of safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment.” For Target 8.8 countries are requested to report on the following indicator: “Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, by sex and migrant status”.

China, like many other countries, face challenges in establishing effective OSH data collection systems. Such systems are important for collection of reliable documentation of occupational accidents and diseases. Without reliable OSH data, it is difficult for workers, employers, and government to detect new hazards and emerging risks, identify hazardous sectors, develop preventive measures, as well as implement policies, systems and programmes to address these challenges.

In China, the challenges in building an effective OSH data collection system include, amongst others, the difficulties in collecting OSH data on the flexibly employed and workers in the Small and informal sectors as well as the overall low level of knowledge and understanding of occupational accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrence among employers, workers and other parties. Obtaining OSH data from SMEs is particularly challenging, while SMEs do face more OSH challenges and have significantly higher rate of occupational injury and other safety accidents when compared with larger companies .

In this context, the ILO with full consultation with its constituents, decided to organize a tripartite seminar on OSH data collection and utilization, and safety management in SMEs on 28 April 2017 in Beijing. Representatives of government, workers and employers will participate in the seminar, share experience and best practice, and discuss strategies to respond the critical challenges in collecting and using OSH data and improving OSH conditions in SMEs.