ILO/NSO National Seminar on Introduction and Application of the New International Standards on Labour Statistics

The seminar aims to introduce the 19th ICLS resolution highlights to the national stakeholders, learn from experiences of the ILO pilot project and discuss application of the new standards in Mongolia.

Mongolia has a well-developed labour statistics system, which enables fairly smooth production of globally monitored indicators, including a sub-set of Sustainable Development Goals and Decent Work Indicators. Currently the Mongolian labour statistics system is capable to produce about 60 per cent of the Decent Work related indicators needed for monitoring progress toward SDGs. The Labour force survey (LFS) is the main source of representative statistics, from which most of these indicators are estimated, and its methodology follows closely the current international standards. Recognizing the need and scope for improving the implementation method of this survey, including the sampling design and questionnaire, to be able to adopt the “Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization” of the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS), the NSO has prioritized to increase the quality of existing data and build capacity to produce the indicators that are not currently produced in cooperation with the ILO. Building this capacity is also essential for effective implementation and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Vision 2030 of Mongolia that was adopted by the Parliament of Mongolia in February 2016. Within this framework, the NSO is planning to make a transition to the new international standards set by the 19th ICLS and produce a complete set of SDG’s decent work indicators.

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